Return times

You have 30 days after receipt of your order to return your items.

Once your parcel has been dispatched, please allow 5 days for it to reach our warehouse.

Once received, please allow approximately 10 days for processing. We will check that the returned product conforms to the one sent, without having been used or damaged.

In the event of logistical problems, these times may be subject to change. To track your return, please click here.

Repayment terms

You will be reimbursed within 10 days of receipt of the goods in our warehouse.

The refund will be made via the payment method you used to place the order. It will include the price of the returned items as well as the initial delivery costs (in case of return of the complete order), minus the return costs.

Return shipping costs

For the countries below, your return is easy. Use the prepaid return label received by e-mail. The return postage will be deducted from your refund.

Since September 2, 2024 and for a limited time, returns are free for orders delivered in mainland France.

France – Available
Luxembourg – 7,19€
Belgium – Free 5,99€
CountriesBottoms – 7,19€
Spain – 7,79€
Italy – 13,99€
A lermany – 7,19€
Portugal – 7,79€
Switzerland – 15,99 €

Follow my return

To track the processing of your return, please click here.

To track your return in more detail, please go to your return confirmation e-mail, where your tracking link has been sent to you.